Grant Luhrs
Grant  Luhrs
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to the website of the multi talented GRANT LUHRS AND FRIENDS

Flying Fox Studios
Flying Fox Studios

is a fully professional studio that has been designed by the legendary John Sayers and features 2 recording rooms and a control room. Over the years many fine recording "toys" have been acquired......more
The Chook Raffle Band

The Chook Raffle Band

consists of Leghorn Luhrs, Col Cockerel, Geoffrey Giblet and Pete Pullet. The band has been performing all round Australia since 1994 at many major festivals and has made several international appearances ........more

Tabbita Record Company
Tabbita Record Company

was formed in late 1980 and Since then has continued to release and encourage independent talent throughout Australia. It has a querky history.......more
You can purchase Grant's albums on line or contact him at any time
Flying Fox Studios Tabbita Record Company Chook Raffle Band
© 2008-2015 - Chrissy Eustace for Grant Luhrs, The Chook Raffle Band, Flying Fox Studio and Tabitta Recording Company