Grant Luhrs
Grant  Luhrs
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If you like Grant, his friends and his music, here are some other people and events which will appeal.

Jim Haynes

Great mate of Grant's - an author and entertainer who specialises in all things Australian

John L. Sayers

The designer of Grant's studio

Gympie Music Muster

A must visit event for those loving country music
Tamworth Country Music Festival -

where Grant appears on a regular basis
The Wagga Wagga Writer Writers' Festival

A creative gathering held in Grant's home town
Country Music Association of Australia

The home of all things relating to country music

Australian Bush Laureate Awards

A yearly award for excellence in published and recorded Australian busy poetry
(held in Tamworth each January)

Geoff Bell - Laing Entertainment

One of Australia's foremost entertainment agencies for over 40 years

Albert Music

A creative hub for songwriters, artists, composers and producers

If you are an artist, composer or poet and would like to share a link, please contact Grant with your details.


Flying Fox Studios Tabbita Record Company Chook Raffle Band
© 2008-2015 - Chrissy Eustace for Grant Luhrs, The Chook Raffle Band, Flying Fox Studio and Tabitta Recording Company